Crafts Desserts Party Ideas Recipes

Tie Dye Donuts

It’s summertime and I’ve got some donuts that are tie dye for!  Tie dying is a classic summer bucket list activity and it’s not only fun on shirts, but donuts too!  I’m so excited about this easy summer activity that also doubles as a tasty treat!  


Dunkin’ Old Fashioned and Jelly Donuts

1 Bag of White Melting Chocolate

Cooking Oil

Oil Based Food Coloring 

Gold Luster Dust

Lemon or Almond Extract

Fine Paint Brush 



Place half the white chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.  Melt the chocolate in the microwave and stir every 20 seconds until smooth.  Add 1 tablespoon of oil or until the chocolate is a good dipping consistency.  Reserve 2 tablespoons of the melted chocolate in a separate bowl for each color you will like to use.  I chose pink, yellow and blue and had three separate bowls.  Then dip a toothpick in the food coloring and add it to the reserved chocolate.  Stir until well combined.  

To make the tie dye pattern, add a few dollops of the colored chocolate to the white melted chocolate.  

Use a toothpick and swirl the colored chocolate into the white.  I used pink only in this photo, but you can add several colors together.  

Then, dip the donut into the the chocolate.  Add sprinkles and drizzle on more melted chocolate before it hardens.  Repeat with remaining donuts and allow the chocolate to harden. 

Mix the gold luster dust and lemon extract together.  Use a fine paint brush to paint gold accent lines along the colored swirls on the donuts.  You can also use your brush to flick the gold mixture into the donuts to make them shine.  

Tie dye donuts are an easy summer activity you can do with the kids while school is out!  This will also work if you need a fun way to dress up donuts for a summer party!  

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